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Board Game Studies Colloquium 2022, CfP

The 24th Board Game Studies Colloquium will be held in Leeuwarden/ Ljouwert in the Netherlands from 16th to 20th May 2022. The conference will be hosted by Tresoar, the Frisian National Library and Centre for History and Literature. Tresoar is also home of a book collection and archive on various “mind sports”, primarily bridge, chess, go, and draughts (including Frisian draughts).
More info about the BGS Colloquium at Tresoar 2022

Board Game Studies

As in previous years, it will be an interdisciplinary exchange for researchers from a wide range of fields. The theme of the 24th colloquium is Ludus in Academia. Elaborating on this, the organizing committee describes three focus areas:

  • In libris ludi (games in books): Whether ancient game rules, a moralizing treatise, or legal documents regulating play: Written sources are important for the study of games. What role do libraries play for the historic study of games, and what sources tell us about the existence, the development, the popularity or the rules of a certain game?
  • Academia ludens (the playing academy): Educational institutions like academies and universities have always been (social) spaces in which, among other activities, games and sports are taking place. What games have occupied these spaces, and how have they evolved in reponse?
  • Ludorum necnon ludentium studia (the study of games as well as of the players): The study of games reveals details about the values and worldviews expressed through them, and the study of players can tell us more e.g. about the behavioral or neurological aspects of ourselves. What games (and academic studies of them) expand our understanding in these areas?

Call for Papers

The committee invites researchers to send their proposals:

Ideally, the presentation of a paper will take 12 minutes, along with 6 minutes of discussion.
A proposal should contain 1) the title of the proposed paper, and 2) a short summary of the paper. The proposal should not exceed 200 words. (…)
Proposals should be sent no later than Monday 17 January 2022 to this address:
We look forward to seeing your proposals,

The organising committee:
Liuwe H. Westra
Martha Kist
Hilda Top-Venema
Jikke Sikkema
Inge de Vries

The committee is considering to extend presentation time to 20 minutes. At the moment, the organizers are looking into options to live stream the colloquium, and they are also exploring how remote presentations might be possible. The Call for Papers is also available as PDF.

After the previous meeting (Paris 2021, which had to be held digitally because of the pandemic) Liuwe Westra of the organizing committee addressed board game researches in a video, inviting them to participate in the colloquium in Leeuwarden, showcasing the location, and presenting the theme ludus in academia:

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OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Jonas Richter (26. November 2021). Board Game Studies Colloquium 2022, CfP. GeSpiele. Abgerufen am 17. Februar 2025 von

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