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The 25th Board Game Studies Colloquium, 2023: Program

BGS 2023 logographic (transparent)

The conference program for the upcoming BGS colloquium (April 11-14, in Şirince near Ephesus, Turkey) is now available. Here is a summary of just the speakers and topics. You can access the full program via the conference website. It includes the schedule and abstracts.

Keynote lectures

  • Ulrich Schädler: “Arab and Turkish Games on the Ayasoluk”
  • Alex de Voogt: “The Board Game Lens”

Session 1: Divination and Rituals

  • May the players be protected: benevolent motifs on the game of 58 holes (Anne-Elizabeth Dunn-Vaturi)
  • Theories for the use of the Tesserae Lusoriae: sortes, pittacia or a game? (Ilaria Truzzi)
  • Astragals and dice: gaming device and tools for divination (Marco Tibaldini)
  • Is that a hnefi in your mouth, or are you just pleased to see me? An intriguing example of game-piece placement in an early Viking ship burial at Salme, on the Estonian island of Saaremaa (Eddie Duggan)

Session 2: Games across Cultures and Genders

  • Winning with a broken die (Jonas Richter)
  • Women and Luck in Myths and Literature (Hannah Freundlich)
  • Akshadyuta: Legacy of a Lost Game (Jacob Schmidt-Madsen)

Session 3: Online presenters

  • Rolling, flipping, and writing in modern board games: practical application to game design and teaching (Micael Sousa)
  • Revisiting the path from Pachisi to Poleana: opening debates about cultural diffusion of board games (Alfonso Atala)
  • Documentation of Ancient Board Games from Rock Cut Caves of Maharashtra, their Cultural Continuity and Possibility of Relative Dating (Aswini Gawli)
  • God Comes to Play: Lord Venkateshwara plays the board game – Pagaday, with his devotee (Singh Gyaneshwar)
  • Goddess and her solitary game (Dharmendra H.S.)

Session 4: Games beyond Myth

  • The Assembly of the Wicked: Notes towards a unified theory of board games (Chris van de Riet)
  • “A Perfectly Elegant Political Solution”: Board Games, Contemporary Fantasy, and the Political Unknown (Samantha Hammond)
  • Once upon a time, when famine prevailed… Juxtaposing creation myths with urban myths regarding games and gaming (Elke Rogersdotter)

Session 5 “Evolution of Roman Board Games

  • Playing in Pompeii: research on the play culture of the ancient city (Alessandro Pace)
  • Allusions to gaming practices in the Cento de Alea (Gabriella Carbone)
  • Messing about with tables boards (Georgi Markov)

Session 6: Play as Politics and Legendary Players

  • The Myth of Innocent Play: Colonialism and Boardgames (Mary Flanagan)
  • The Genealogy of Chinese Shengguan tu: The Transformations of Culture and Space on the Game Board after the Qing Dynasty (Lei Tianyue)
  • Draughts, myths and legends in 19th century Friesland. (Marten Walinga)

Session 7: Sacred Geometry of Chance

  • Tackling the Myths of Ancient Play: Reflections from the Digital Ludeme Project (Walter Crist)
  • Cardano, the physician and mathematician, in his role as a gambler in the 16th century (Carla Cardoso)
  • La Fortuna, Crisis and Board Games in Early Modern Period (Fatih Parlak)
  • Numeri e Pedine Project: teaching myth of mathematics by board games (Liliana Silva)

Session 8: Contemporary Narratives in Board Games

  • Myths and promises of narrative gaming. How can we analyze the emergence of procedural narrative in board games? (Samuel Francblu)
  • Construction of Persona Through Personal Mythology in Dungeons & Dragons (Aylin Pekanik)
  • Open D&D: Dungeons & Dragons as Democratic Mythmaking (Himadri Agarwal)

Cultural Events and Extras

Apart from a game night and conference dinner, these opportunities will also be available:

  • Trip to Ephesus
  • Artemis Temple
  • Ayasuluk Fortress
  • Ephesus Archaeological Museum
  • Post-Colloquium Excursion to Magnesia and Kuşadası Castle

There will also be a Round Table Discussion about the future of the Board Game Studies Colloquium.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Jonas Richter (31. März 2023). The 25th Board Game Studies Colloquium, 2023: Program. GeSpiele. Abgerufen am 17. Februar 2025 von

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